Tag Archives: Christmas

Let us adore (Adoremos).

Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song./Vinde, exultemos de alegria no SENHOR, aclamemos o rochedo da nossa salvação. Vamos à sua presença com hinos de louvor, saudemo-lo com cânticos jubilosos.
Psalm/Salmo 95:1-2

Todas as igrejas recebem a visita do anjo que Jesus envia (Ap.22:16). Poucas o reconhecem. Muito poucas querem ouvir o que o Senhor tem para dizer através dele (Ap.22:17)./All the churches receive the visit of the angel that Jesus sends (Rev.22:16). Few recognize him. Very few want to hear what the Lord has to say trough him (Rev.22:17).


Aconteceu na véspera de Natal.

Bolt of light in sky has Germany, Belgium at odds
CBC News – Posted: Dec 25, 2011

Anthem For Christmas (Hino para o Natal)

In the space of the beginning was the living Word of Light.
When this Word was clearly spoken all that came to be was right.
All creation had a language, words to say what must be said,
All day long the heavens whispered signing words in scarlet red.

Some failed to understand it, so God spoke His final Word,
On a silent night in Judah’s Hills a baby’s cry was heard.

“Glory!” sang the angel chorus, “Glory!” echoed back the night,
Love has come to walk among us, Christ the Lord is born this night.

All creation sing His praises Earth and heaven praise His name.
All who live come join the chorus, find the words His love proclaim…
Find the words His love proclaim.

A baby changes everything.

(Um bebé muda tudo.)

Lyrics (letra)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.

(Tenha um Natalzinho alegre.)

Il est né le divin enfant.

Nasceu o Deus menino. He is born, the divine Christ child.


Il est né le divin enfant,
Jouez hautbois, résonnez musette.
Il est né le divin enfant,
Chantons tous son avènement.
Depuis plus de quatre mille ans
Nous le promettaient les prophètes,
Depuis plus de quatre mille ans
Nous attendions cet heureux temps.
Une étable est son logement,
Un peu de paille est sa couchette,
Une étable est son logement,
Pour un dieu quel abaissement.
O Jésus, ô roi tout puissant,
Tout petit enfant que vous êtes,
O Jésus, ô roi tout puissant,
Régnez sur nous entièrement.